Jaipur National University, School of Languages, Literature & Society organized the event entitled “Poetry Story Telling Aur Chai” in collaboration with IQAC and the Young Readers Writers club. The event was organized on 23rd February, 2023, Thursday in auditorium of engineering block, main campus. The event was a platform for self-composed poetry and storytelling in English and Hindi. Nearly 40 students participated in the event from all the schools with immense enthusiasm. The event started around 1:00 P.M with blissful and encouraging words of the Head, Prof. Rana Zaidi.
The event was graced by Prof. Meenu Singh, Deputy Director of School of Education and Prof. Ansari who was the judge of the event. The objective of the event was to identify, engage and enrich the hidden writers and boost their confidence. The first winner in Hindi composition was Neeranjan from B.A. B.Ed, Tulsi Mathur of M.A English won 2nd prize and two consolation prizes were given to Hemant Singh from B.Ed and Pankaj of B.A.B.Ed. The 1st winner in English composition was Amrutha from the school of Life Science, Shreya Datta from B.A(H) English 6th semester won the 2nd prize and a consolation prize was given to Manika of B.A (H) English 4th semester. The event ended with flavors of chai for the writers and organizers as the name of the event signifies.