Seedling School of Law and Governance

Legal Aid Camp Ogranised by Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University at Bhakrota (BAGRU) on 14th Nov. 2019

Nov 14, 2019

Legal Aid Cell of Seedling School of Law and Governance (SSLG) organised a Legal Aid Camp in Government Senior School at Bhakrota on 14th November, 2019, where they dealt with issues which a child, goes through in a daily course of life. In an interactive session, the students briefed them about various topics such as Fundamental Rights, Consumer Protection Rights, Traffic Rules and Duties, Cyber Crimes, Child Abuse, Human Rights and some other topics related to daily lives. Villagers including farmers, business men, young boys, women and children, attended the session. The students made them aware about Rights of Children, Child Labour Act, Right of Children to free and compulsory education and other legislations made for the care, protection and development of children and different schemes launched by NALSA and RSLSA for the benefit of people. The Legal Aid Cell also organised a nukkhad natak for the children along posters to provide those children a better understanding of the issues and see how wrong certain situations can become.

Legal Aid Camp Ogranised by Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University at Bhakrota (BAGRU) on 14th Nov. 2019
Legal Aid Camp Ogranised by Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University at Bhakrota (BAGRU) on 14th Nov. 2019
Legal Aid Camp Ogranised by Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University at Bhakrota (BAGRU) on 14th Nov. 2019

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