Seedling School of Law and Governance

2nd MYUN organized from 13th to 14th April, 2019

Apr 14, 2019

Driven by an educational mission that intends to shed light on the importance of collaboration, the art of diplomacy and the value of key skills such as research, public speaking, leadership, debate and negotiation, the Seedling School of Law and Governance initiated its 2nd edition of Model Youth United Nations, which has brought together about 160 student participants from different schools and institutes. On the occasion of inaugural function, Justice Ahluwalia said, “During discussion, it is good to make a point rather than not to make a point.” With great enthusiasm, the participants were actively involved in various mock activities, such as United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Human Rights Council and Lok Sabha, and, discussed on the prevailing global issues like, Rights and Discrimination Against LGBT Community, International Terrorism and Caste Based Reservation so as to get a hands on experience on how these organization works.

2nd MYUN organized from 13th to 14th April, 2019

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