DATE: November 2, 2023
TIME: 2:00PM to 3:30PM
VENUE:Auditorium, SOET, Main Campus
A seminar was organized by the School of Agricultural Sciences on “ Motivational and career guidance “ as requested by the Managing Director, Mr.Ajay Singh Jakhar of “AGRIMENTORS”, Chandigarh.
The seminar begins with the opening remarks and greetings by the Hon’ble Chancellor, Prof.R.L.Raina and welcome address by the Director, Prof.R.K.Bansal. The Key speaker, Mr.Ajay Singh, emphasized the importance of counseling and guidance, above all the motivation to the students for their career buildup. Complementary distribution of competitive guides was done to all the students.
Mr. Sudhir Binchar, Alumni, SOAS, JNU, Jaipur , who is pursuing his Ph.D. (secured AIR 07th rank in ICAR Exam for PG) shared his success story with the students which was very fruitful for motivation.
In the end, Prof.R.K.Bansal extended heartfelt vote of thanks to all the participants and the speakers of the seminar. Special thanks were paid to Prof. R.L.Raina , who spared few moments from his busy schedule and joined the seminar.
Prof. R.K. Bansal