DATE: 02.03.2024
VENUE:Auditorium ,SOET, JNU Main campus
The proposal is submitted to organize a workshop to Dr. R. K. Bansal, Director, SOAS, JNU. After the approval of proposal from Hon’ble Chancellor, invitation letter was sent to resource person Prof. A.K. Gupta
The school of Agricultural Sciences has organized a workshop” on “Challenges and Opportunities in Agri-Startups” on Saturday Tuesday, 2nd March 2024. AgriTech startups in India have a huge opportunity to transform the agriculture sector and contribute to the country's economic growth. However, they face several challenges that need to be addressed for their successful growth. Here the speaker has discussed some opportunities, challenges, and the way forward for AgriTech startups in India. Students also have discussed with the resource person . This workshop was coordinated by Md Imraj Zaman, Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences, JNU, Jaipur. At the end, we are thankful to Dr. R.K. Bansal, Director, SOAS, JNU, Jaipur, for their kindly approval and vulnerable support for this activity.
Prof. R.K. Bansal