School of Life & Basic Sciences

International Workshop on Scientific Caricature

Jan 19, 2024
International Workshop on Scientific Caricature

An international workshop was organized by the School of Life and Basic Sciences for postgraduate students on 19 January, 2024. The speaker of the workshop was Dr. Daria Chrobok, Chief Executive officer, Sweden. 15 Students participated in the webinar. A significant portion of the workshop was dedicated to exploring the role of scientific caricature in science communication and education. Speaker discussed strategies for using caricature as a tool to engage diverse audiences, simplify complex scientific ideas, and foster interdisciplinary dialogue between scientists and the general public. This provided a dynamic platform for scholars, artists, and practitioners to explore the multifaceted relationship between art and science. By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and creative exchange, the conference underscored the potential of caricature as a potent tool for engaging with complex scientific concepts, challenging conventional narratives, and promoting public engagement with science.

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