School of Engineering & Technology

Webinar on Piezo sensor Based Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Systems

Nov 19, 2022
Webinar on Piezo sensor Based Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Systems

Structural Health Monitoring is an important issue in the field of civil engineering especially large infrastructures. In this webinar, an innovative piezo-ceramic based approach is developed for the structural health monitoring of various structures. The piezo-electric property of the piezoelectric transducer (PZT) is used for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage detection. With the rapid development of the world’s transportation infrastructure, many long-span bridges were constructed in recent years, especially in China. However, these bridges are easily subjected to various damages due to dynamic loads (such as wind-, earthquake, and vehicle-induced vibration) or environmental factors (such as corrosion). Therefore, structural health monitoring is vital to guarantee the safety of bridges in their service lives. This summarizes the application of piezoelectric materials for the structural health monitoring of bridges, including the monitoring of the concrete strength, bolt looseness, steel corrosion, and grouting density. Finally, issues to be studied when using piezoelectric materials for monitoring are discussed, and future application prospects and development directions are presented.

Learning Outcomes

  • Knowing about structural health monitoring system used in Reinforced Concrete Structures.
  • How sensors work and & its mechanism.
  • Knowing about various damages due to dynamic loads in bridges and how it reduces by Structural Health Monitoring.
  • The piezo-electric property of the piezoelectric transducer (PZT) is used for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage detection.
  • Increased awareness of the economic and social effects of aging, deterioration and extreme events on civil infrastructure.
  • Help students understand the communication process, its benefits and challenges.
  • In this webinar students will be able to understand an innovative piezoceramic based approach is developed for the structural health monitoring of various structures.
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