School of Engineering & Technology

Webinar on Latest Trends in Transmission and Distribution

Nov 15, 2022
Webinar on Latest Trends in Transmission and Distribution

A one-day Guest Lecture on “Power System (Concept of Substation in Transmission & Distribution)”was organized by the Electrical Engineering Department on 15.11.2022 (Tuesday)

Mr. Abhishek Gupta Ph.D. Research Scholar, MNIT, Jaipur was the guest speaker in online mode.

The lecture focused on latest trends in electric power system network of electrical components used to generate, supply (distribute), transfer (transmit) and use electrical energy. Here grid plays an important role in supplying uninterrupted supply to all the regions in our country. Grid interconnects all the five regions of our country and now it has been made into one grid, one nation, and one frequency in India. The details are as Follows:


Name of Speaker: Mr. Abhishek Gupta

Coordinator/ Convener of the activity: Harsh Shrivastava, Coordinator, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering

Name of the Activity/ Program/ Event/ Function: Webinar on Latest Trends in Transmission and Distribution

Date(s) and day of the activity: 15.11.2022 (Tuesday)

Venue of the activity: FL5 (Smart Classroom) Engineering Block, SADTM Campus

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