DATE: 21st Dec. 2023
VENUE: Smart Room, GC1, SOET, SADTM Campus
BENEFICIARIES: B. Tech. Food Technology students
RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Priyanshi Chaturvedi
PROFILE: Pursuing Masters in Food Science & Nutrition, University of Minnesota, USA
TIME: 1:30 PM onwards
The Department of Food Technology at Jaipur National University organized a comprehensive seminar on December 21st , 2023, aimed at enlightening B. Tech. Food Technology students about international career opportunities in the field. The seminar, titled "Exploring International Career Avenues in Food Technology: Strategies for Advancement and Success Abroad," was a crucial initiative to broaden students' horizons.
Ms. Priyanshi Chaturvedi, a distinguished speaker pursuing her Masters in Food Science & Nutrition at the University of Minnesota, USA, served as the resource person. Her firsthand experience and insights into the international landscape of food technology added significant value to the seminar. Ms. Priyanshi Chaturvedi expertly navigated through various aspects, strategies, and insights essential for pursuing an international career in food technology. She discussed international diverse career avenues available worldwide in the field of food technology, shedding light on the global demand and opportunities for professionals. She provided guidance on pursuing higher education abroad, elucidating the necessary academic qualifications and skill sets required for success.
She also shared valuable insights on the skills, adaptability, and mindset required to excel in an international career in Food Technology. She engaged attendees in an interactive dialogue, addressing queries, and offering personalized advice, making the session highly participative and engaging.
Key Takeaways:
"Exploring International Career Avenues in Food Technology" was a resounding success, fostering a deeper understanding among the students about the global landscape of their field. It served as a catalyst in inspiring and guiding students toward pursuing rewarding and impactful careers on an international platform.