School of Engineering & Technology

Food Varta Podcast Session

Oct 07, 2022
Food Varta Podcast Session

TOPIC (Episode wise)

  • Food Safety from farm to Fork
  • Food Safety Audits
  • Food Frauds and Its Preventions in Food Industry
  • Allergen Management in Food Processing Industry
  • Pest Control Management System in Food Industry
  • Recent Developments in Nutraceutical

KEY PERSON: Dr. Prabodh Halde, Dr. Narendra Tripathi, Mr. Siddharth Balwani, Mr. Sanjay Indani, Ms. Chinmayee Deulgaonkar, and Dr. Mamatha Mishra.

DATE: 07th Oct. 2023

TIME: 12:30 PM to 02:30 PM

BENEFICIARIES: B. Tech. Food Technology (II, III, IV year)



VENUE: Engineering Auditorium, SOET, SADTM Campus

OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION: To provide an exposure to students about Food safety issues and gain awareness about their consequences in daily routine and food industries.


  • To understand the concept of food safety.
  • To familiarize students the importance of food safety in daily routine as well as at industrial scale.
  • To make them understand about the emerging possibilities in the area of food safety.

Department of Food Technology organized a session of FICSI (Food Varta) on various areas related to of food safety, its importance in daily life and at industrial scale, including the standards related to food safety. Session was divided into 6 episode of Podcast.

First session was of Dr. Prabodh Halde on the topic “How to keep the food safe? Ensuring the food safety from farm to fork”. He emphasized on importance of food safety in large scale food production and processing.

In next session Dr. Mamatha Mishra talked about food safety audits in which she told about various types of audits and how the industries prepare themselves for the audits.

In third session, MS. Chinmayee Deulgaonkar talks about food frauds and its prevention in food industry. She specifically covers the areas of food fraud mitigation and importance of food defense in her talk.

Later on, Mr. Sanjay Indani speaks on a very important topic of “Allergen management in food processing industry”. In his session, he gave knowledge to the students about allergen and allergy and its classification and management as per FSSAI standards.

In the next session, Mr. Siddhartha Balwani spoke about Pest control Management system in food industry. He specifically mentions the importance of pest control management system in food industry and how to make it effective to maintain the high standards of food safety programs.

In the final, sixth, session, Dr. Narendra Tripathi, talks about “Recent developments in Nutraceutical”. In his session, he explains the terminology of nutraceutical, its categories and labeling standards.

This podcast session covered the areas of terminology of food safety; problems arise due to lack of food safety in daily routine and at industrial level, and how to overcome those problems. The Podcast was equipped with full of facts, information and technical data. Students learnt and enjoyed a lot by becoming a part of such kind of activity


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