School of Business & Management

Industry Luminary Series 04

Apr 29, 2023
Industry Luminary Series 04

School of Business & Management of our University has initiated Corporate Leadership Professional talks on the various dimension of corporate learning. Such collaborations enable the faculty members and students to learn the contemporary requirement at industry levels.

For this, an "Industry Luminary Lecture Series" has been initiated by our University. Under the series, eminent industrialists and researchers would share their knowledge and expertise with the students and faculty members. Accordingly, the sessions for the year 2022-23 was planned in April 2023 wherein four different sessions were organised by following Industry Luminaries

The fourth session was kept with the objective to understand the digital framework of the products for the marketing specialisation students, the school invited Mr. Udit, AVP, Bharti Axa on 29th April 2023 at 2:30 PM to give his deliberation on the topic Digital Product Management Mr. Udit elaborated Being a product person today is a new game, and product managers are at the centre of it. Today, particularly if your product is mostly digital, you might update it several times a day. Massive troves of data are available for making decisions and, at the same time, deep insights into customer motivation and experience are more important than ever. The job of the modern product manager is to charter a direction and create a successful working environment for all the actors involved in product success. It’s not a simple job or an easy job, but it is a meaningful job where you’ll be learning all the time. Further, he stated a digital product manager need to Create the actionable focus to successfully manage the product , Focus on modern product management methods & Manage new products and explore new product ideas with amplify existing products

Industry Luminary Lecture Series
Industry Luminary Lecture Series
Industry Luminary Lecture Series
Industry Luminary Lecture Series

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