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School of Engineering & Technology

Industrial visit to CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, Rajasthan

Feb 21, 2018

An industrial visit to CSIR - CEERI (Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute), Pilani, Rajasthan was organized. 45 students from B.Tech ECE (IV, VI) & M.Sc. Physics (II Semester) visited the institute. The main objective of this visit was to give the real time exposure to latest technologies, products and processes in the field of electronics because CEERI offers consultancy services for new designs, R&D units and undertakes contract research on specific problems and requirements of electronic industry. The students were explained about Magnetron; its working and applications overview of latest research. Later, the students visited the Cathode & Cathode Tube development lab. The technician explained the generation of cathode rays and its practical implementation in TWT, Gyrotron and Klystron .They were given the idea about the Development of electron gun, interaction cavity, collector and Gyrotron. The practical demonstration on manufacturing and designing of cathode glass tubes from raw materials was given to the students. The students also visited workshop lab, where they were informed about the various type of Lathe machines and its methods. The visit provided an awareness of research in three areas, namely Advanced Electronic Systems, Advanced Semiconductor Electronics and Microwave Tubes.

Industrial visit to CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, Rajasthan
Industrial visit to CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, Rajasthan
Industrial visit to CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, Rajasthan

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