School of Engineering & Technology

Industrial visit to 132KV Grid Sub Station (GSS), Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur

Aug 11, 2018

Industrial visit has its own importance in a career of a student who is pursuing a professional degree. Department of EE organized Industrial visit to 132KV Grid Sub Station (GSS), Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur. Substation is integral part of a power system and form important links between the generating station, transmission systems, distribution systems and the load points. Students understood of electrical components including bus-bars, switchgear, power transformers, auxiliaries etc. These components are connected in a definite sequence such that a circuit can be switched off during normal operation by manual command and also automatically during abnormal conditions such as short circuit. Engineers at the station demonstrated number of incoming circuit and outgoing circuit connected to common Bus-bar systems.

Industrial visit to 132KV Grid Sub Station (GSS), Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur
Industrial visit to 132KV Grid Sub Station (GSS), Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur
Industrial visit to 132KV Grid Sub Station (GSS), Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur

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