Topic: “Nutritional Requirement in Armed Forces”
Date: 31st July 2023 (Monday)
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Bemeficiaries: B. Tech. Food Technology (II, III, IV year)
Total Students: 35
Faculty Members: 04
Platform: Google Meet
Venu: Engineering Auditorium
Resource Person: Dr. Vishwendra Vikram Singh, Research Associate, Soldier Performance Group, Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Science (DIPAS), Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), New Delhi, India
The Department of Food Technology organized a guest lecture (webinar) on the topic "Nutritional Requirement in Armed Forces" for the students of B.Tech. Food Technology (II, III, IV Year). The lecture aimed to provide students with insights into the unique nutritional needs of armed forces personnel, and to illustrate the application of nutritional science in challenging environments. The esteemed resource person for the event was Dr. Vishwendra Vikram Singh. Dr. Singh possesses extensive hands-on experience in the field of military nutrition and has made significant contributions to enhancing the nutritional well-being of armed forces personnel. He highlighted the distinctive demands that military service places on individuals' bodies, necessitating tailored nutrition strategies to maintain optimal performance and health. This interactive segment enriched the learning experience, providing students with a deeper understanding of the intricacies of military nutrition. The event fostered a spirit of curiosity and learning, aligning with Jaipur National University's commitment to providing holistic education experiences.