TOPIC: Journey from Campus to Industry
DATE:31st January, 2023
TIME:10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
BENEFICIARIES:B. Tech. Food Technology (III year students)
CONTACT PERSON:Dr. Bhagwati Sharma
OBJECTIVE OF SESSION: Exposure to latest technologies, processes, analysis and research work performed in the field of biomaterials
In order to augment the infrastructure for advanced research and to attain excellence in innovative research in materials technology, a centre of excellence - Materials Research Centre, has been created under the able support and guidance of the competent authority. The Materials Research Centre (MRC) aims to harness the talent resources of MNIT for promoting interdisciplinary research in appropriate materials technologies. Besides catering to the research needs of the institutional faculty & students, the state of the art research facilities of the Materials Research Centre will also be extended to the scientists, faculty and researchers of other institutes as well as to private sector/ industries.
The Materials Research centre envisions to emerge as research intensive centre for interdisciplinary research in frontiers of materials technology. It further envisions the creation and maintenance of appropriate ambiance entailing drives in research for the development of appropriate materials technology. The center aims at fostering the growth of demanding technology research of the day vis-à-vis creation of new knowledge pertaining to meaningful industry-institution. Being a centre for invention and innovation of materials science and technology, it contemplates thriving for excellence, knowledge creation & dissemination for useful economic activities, besides the creation of new generation scientist resources of the country to take the lead role in mastering the technology development activities across the globe. The Materials Research Centre of MNITJ will continue hybridization of newer and newer faculties of science and engineering in order that a true culture of cooperative and participative activities in material science and technology emblems the birth of real sense interdisciplinary entity.
The students of Biomedical Engineering and Food Technology Engineering of Jaipur National University, got an opportunity to visit MNIT and explore various biomedical and electrical equipments on 31/01/2023. These were the machines they had the opportunity to see the following machines
Universal Testing Machine
Scanning Electrons Microscope
Image Analysis 3D
Atomic Force Microscope
Coating Machine
Vacuum Desiccator
HRTAM (High Resolution Transmission Atomic Microscope)
Vacuum Box Coater (Electron Beam Power Supply)
STF 1200 Tube Furnace
RF & DC Magnetron Sputtering Technology
STR 500 Confocal Micro Raman Spectrometer
HRMS (HR Mass Spectrometer)
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Glow Discharge Spectrometer (GDS)
NMR spectrometry