TOPIC: Virtual Industrial Tour
DATE: Thursday, 28th Oct., 2021
TIME: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
BENEFICIARIES: B. Tech. Food Technology (II, III, IV year)
INDUSTRY NAME: Bolney Wine Estate (England), Sula Wines (Nashik) & Grover Vineyards (Bengaluru)
VENUE: Engineering Auditorium
OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION: To provide an exposure to students about Grape Vineyards and Wine Industries and to gain awareness about industrial practices.
1. To understand the concept of production of Grapes in Vineyards
2. To familiarize students with a huge part of beverage industry that is National and International wineries
3. To make them visualize & learn about the very elegant and fine art of wine making including the parameters like quality, safety, transportation etc.
4. To make them understand about the emerging possibilities in the area of entrepreneurships
Department of Food Technology conducted a Virtual Industrial Tour to familiarize students with a huge part of beverage industry that is National and International Vineyards and Wineries. It included two segments; Nation’s largest wine makers like Sula and Grover vineyards while the International segment that introduced the students to the art of French wine making from the wine makers of Bordeaux (England).
This tour covered the areas of Entrepreneurship, Sustainability & Technology in the field of Vineyards and Wine making. The tour was equipped with full of facts, information and technical data with real time visualization of Grape Vineyards and Wine Industries. They learned the technical concept of wine sensory by looking, nosing, swirling & tasting the wine. Students learned and enjoyed a lot by seeing the high quality videos in theater mode in Engineering Auditorium.