Industrial Visit of Saptrishi Foods

Sep 24, 2022
Saptrishi Foods

TOPIC: Industrial Visit

DATE: Saturday, 24th Sep., 2022

TIME:03:30 pm – 04:30 pm

BENEFICIARIES:B. Tech. Food Technology (I, II, III, IV year)



INDUSTRY NAME: Saptrishi Foods

VENUES:Agro Food Park, MIA, Alwar, Rajasthan

OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION:To provide an exposure to students about manufacturing steps and equipment used in Spice and Flour Industry to gain awareness about industrial practices.


  • 1. To understand the concept of production of Flour and Spices at commercial level
  • 2. To make them visualize & learn about the very elegant and fine art of milling including the parameters like quality, safety, transportation etc.
  • 3. To make them understand about the emerging possibilities in the area of entrepreneurships

Department of Food Technology conducted an Industrial Visit to Saptrishi Foods, Agro Food Park, MIA, Alwar, Rajasthan on 24th September, 2022 to familiarize students with manufacturing steps, equipment used, sanitation and hygiene practices followed in flour and spice industry.

In the spice processing industry, students exposed to various processes used at industrial level for the preparation of various spices. Moreover, they had also seen various machines used for grinding and other operations of spices over there. 

In the flour mill, students had seen the processing of wheat in to various products like wheat flour, grits, refined flour, semolina etc. They had seen the working of various machines used for these purposes. They also experience the packaging of these products into various packaging sizes. 

Overall it was a great learning experience for the students. 

Saptrishi Foods
Saptrishi Foods
Saptrishi Foods