TOPIC: Dev Milk Foods Pvt. Limited (FRUBON)
DATE: 27thAug. 2022
TIME:10:00 am to 02:00 pm
BENEFICIARIES:B. Tech. Food Technology (I, II, III and IV year)
INDUSTRY NAME: Carlsberg India Pvt. Ltd.
VENUES:Mahindra World city, SEZ, Jaipur, Rajasthan
OBJECTIVE OF THE SESSION:To provide an exposure to students about processing and packaging of milk& milk products along with the use of equipment and machineries in dairy industry.
- 1. Familiarization with Milk processing and manufacturing division
- 2. Visualization & learning about the emerging trends in the area of milk collection, dispatching, Quality inspection and processing technologies etc.
- 3. Awareness about companies working in the field of automation, sanitization and packaging of milk and milk products.
Department of Food Technology conducted an Industrial Tour to Dev Milk Foods Pvt. Ltd. (FRUBON) on 27thAug. 2022 between 10:00 am to 02:00 pm.
Before entering in the plant, Students gathered at common place. Technical team had given a brief introduction about the history of the launching of the plant. After this brief introduction, students were divided in to two groups and students moved to the manufacturing area with the technical team.
Technical team well demonstrated about the receiving of milk, sampling and inspection of milk in the laboratory, pasteurization and homogenization process of milk and manufacturing process of curd, lassi, market milk, ghee, ice cream and other milk products.
Technical team also explained about unique feature (BMC model) of FRUBON milk collection at village level. Thereafter, team also explained that how this model helps in maintaining the freshness and quality of milk before processing.
After visiting the manufacturing plant, Q&A session of students was held with core team (Quality, Production, Sales and Marketing and HR) of FRUBON. The core team satisfied students with their doubts and queries. Simultaneously, Students enjoyed the refreshment and FRUBON Ice cream. Overall, it was learning experience by students.