Talent Hunt Programme

Feb 16, 2019

NBC News 24 conducted a Talent Hunt Programme in the School of Engineering and Technology, at Jaipur National University. The prime objective of this talent hunt was to discover the hidden talent and caliber of the students in various spheres of art and music. There were four categories such as Solo Singing, Poetry Recitation, Acting and Dance in which students showcased their talent and potential. On this occasion two very renowned celebrities of Fashion and Glamour industry Ms. Nidhi Mandawar and Ms. Shelly were present to judge the performances of various participants. Prof. O. S. Joshi Director, SOET was also in the judge’s panel. Students participated in this event with great enthusiasm and zeal. The entire programme was filled with the essence of patriotic feeling and love for the country. All the participants of this event got the certificate of participation and encouragement.

Talent Hunt Programme
Talent Hunt Programme
Talent Hunt Programme
Talent Hunt Programme
Talent Hunt Programme

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