During the session, Prof. Ashish Chandra(University of Houston- Clear Lake, Texas, USA) pointed the importance of being innovative and creative in today’s competitive scenario. He said, “Earlier, companies were offering jobs on the basis of degrees but now companies hunt for individuals who are not only competent to perform the job but has the capacity of bringing about radical changes in the organization through their innovative ideas.”.Prof. William Stroube (University of Evansville, Texas, USA)stated, “Managing emotional intelligence at workplace should be taken seriously to ensure better collaboration among employees and create a happy environment at workplace.” He explained the stress management strategies that are helpful for employees in self-management, taking criticism positively and becoming more productive and efficient.Dr. David Wyant (Jack C. Massey College of Business, USA)spotted the problems faced by modern organizations related to handling of ‘Big data’. He said, “The increasing variety, volume and velocity of data are posing challenges in effective data management”. He elucidated the increasing role of technology in present times that has enhanced the capabilities of companies in performing real time analysis of Big data that enables it to underline insights, establish correlation, predict abnormal patterns and mitigate frauds. He explained the latest tools of Big data analytics like, data extraction, data preparation and data analysis.