School of Business & Management

Interactive Session For UG Final Year Students

Oct 11, 2023
Dreams Workshop

School of Business & Management organized an Interactive Session for UG Final Year students on 11th October 2023, Wednesday at 11.00 am onwards in SIILAS Auditorium. There were 175 participants in the session. The speakers for the day were Prof. Ashish Chandra & Prof. Naveed Saleem, University of Houston, Texas, USA.

Prof. H.N. Verma, Pro-Chancellor JNU & Prof. Rajesh Mehrotra, Director SIILAS welcomed Prof. Ashish Chandra & Prof. Naveed Saleem with a token of gratitude.

The first speaker for the day was Prof. Ashish Chandra. He talked about his philosophy that for him his family comes first. I believe family always comes first in life for the simple reason of love, support, and the fact that your families are the ones who make you the way you are. Your family should always love you because you are their own and you are a part of them. Even if you believe your family does not care about you, think again. Your family will always love you, and they would do the best they can to make you happy. They will always be there for you.

Secondly, He further stated that Cellphones are the biggest enemies and the distractors. Cell phones and technology in general has advanced a lot over the last ten years. Allowing students to be able to take their phones or devices wherever they want in today’s society. Thus, bringing forward the issue of cell phone distraction in the classroom. “Concerns about cell phones in the classrooms are also grounded in what we know about teenage brains, including the inability to concentrate while multi-tasking and possibly long-term effects on overall health.

Thirdly, He also focused on the statement that you learn by observing things from others. By comparing and contrasting the work of others with our own, we can perform detailed and valuable analyses beyond our chosen niche. Observing others and the differences and similarities between us is precisely what autoethnographic research is all about.

The Second Speaker for the day was Dr. Naveed Saleem. He started with the statement “You do your best, you give your 100%, someone will always give you chance. I believe that you should always try your best even when things are difficult. Trying your best when things are difficult will not only make you a stronger player, but when you work hard and try your best it makes others respect for you grow.

Overall, it was a Great interactive session for the students.

Dreams Workshop
Dreams Workshop
Dreams Workshop

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