A Churning from Food Insecurity to Food Security

A Churning from Food Insecurity to Food Security


Across the world, 619 million people have experienced food insecurity and an additional 150 million people will be added by 2030. This figure is going to increase due to COVID-19. India as well as one of its states, Rajasthan, has also been badly affected by the adverse effect of COVID-19, especially in the field of the food security. Due to sudden lockdown, the Gross Domestic Product of the country was badly affected and thus there was a cut in the social welfare schemes. Despite the shifting of state from welfare to pandemic, food security budget was increased and along with National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA), Pradhanmantri Garib Anna Kalyan Yojna (GOI, 2020), was started to meet the additional need for food security apart from the recommended food grains with five kilogram of rice, wheat, and coarse grains at the stipulated price of Rs. 3, 2, &1 respectively.

Effect of the Covid-19 : 

Even after three years of such pandemic, the situation has not been normalized, especially with the vulnerable section of society like, women and children. There are a lot of people who have not come out of the worst effects of the Covid19. They have lost their jobs and till now there are no arrangements of their livelihood. No jobs have been created for them till now. As a result they are compelled to live in their villages and thus have become a parasite on their poor families which are already poverty stricken.

Role of the School of Social Sciences:

School of Social Sciences under the aegis of the Jaipur National University is aware of its social responsibility and as a part of it the school has distributed dry ration to one of the probation homes for orphan children named Jan Kala Sahitya Manch Sansthan, Mansarover, Jaipur. The School of Social Sciences is continuously endeavoring to help the poor section of the society and other needy persons at the levels of social as well as education. We invite other institutes for collaboration with us in the field of social welfare works.