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School of Life & Basic Sciences

A Two day Student Training Program

Dec 19, 2023
A Two day Student Training Program

A Two Day Student Training Program on “Advanced Techniques and Instrumentation” was organized by School of Life and Basic Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur in collaboration with ICAR-Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar on 18-19 December, 2023. The resource persons of the workshop were Dr. Arun Kumar Tomar, Director (ICAR-CSWRI), Dr. R.L.Gurjar, Senior Scientist/Incharge (TOT/SS Division), Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Senior Scientist(Animal Genetics & Breeding Division) and Dr. Amar Singh Meena, Scientist(Animal Genetics & Breeding Division).

Students engage with the director initially. Dr. Arun Kumar Tomar discussed the development, evolutionary history, and management of sheep and rabbits. He added that animal biotechnology aids in providing for our basic requirements, which include clothing, food, housing, health, and safety. This training was attended by 11 students. A standardized feedback form was created and distributed to both attendees and speakers after the event. The participants' feedback was favorable and expressed eagerness to have the speaker return for future presentations of this kind. Major highlights of the lecture were about recent innovations in animal biotechnology and use of advance technology measurements through advance equipments. Various new technology based equipments were discussed by speakers. Lecture was so well received by audience that it created an enthusiastic applause at its end certifying its commendable outcome. This also motivated organizers to request speaker for providing their kind presence again in near future to avail the audience with more such technological awareness drives and learning opportunities.

A Two day Student Training Program
A Two day Student Training Program
A Two day Student Training Program

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