Seedling School of Law and Governance

Ethos and Learnings to Imbibe from Indian Armed Forces

Feb 23, 2024
Guest lecture

Guest Lecture on “Ethos and Learnings to Imbibe from Indian Armed Forces” by Major (Retd) Rakesh Sharma, Kargil War Veteran and a Shaurya Chakra in Seedling School of Law and Governance

The Seedling School of Law and Governance organized a guest lecture for Law students. The idea was to commemorate and highlight the valour and sacrifice of the Indian armed forces in general and special forces in particular and encourage students.  The Indian armed forces have always brought laurels to the nation. 

The Guest Speaker, Major (Retd) Rakesh Sharma, a highly decorated officer of the Indian army with several military awards including Shaurya Chakra given for gallantry and in recognition of distinguished service of an exceptional order, spoke on “Ethos and Learnings to Imbibe from Indian Armed Forces”. A wonderful speaker, he skillfully painted the absolute plot of the adroitness with which the operation across the border was carried out with surgical preciseness. The nerve tingling narration of the shrewd perspicacious and discerning strategy with the impending dangers, had all ears glued. He focused on the importance of proper planning along with absolute commitment in achieving a goal in life. Major Sharma shared his insights on serving the country and the values that define the armed forces during his talk. He spoke about the challenges and sacrifices and how they are outweighed by the sense of purpose and pride that comes with serving one’s country. His lecture was instrumental with regard to the need of skill development in the student community for better career advancement. Students listened with awe and close attention.

Major Sharma added that the Army made youth aware about the role of youth in the society and are the future of the society and when they contribute ideas and energy to resolve the social issues, they become capable leaders who can make a difference in the lives of others.

Soft spoken but steely with a sharp wit and clear sightedness he made a wonderful connect with the students and apprised them of the fact that the Indian Army draws its ethos from the philosophy and beliefs of the society that it serves and of which, it is an integral part. He spoke of discipline, integrity, loyalty, sense of sacrifice, moral values, ethics and the value system followed by them. It draws its vigour and vitality from the deep sources of strength that has moulded successive generations of soldiers from India’s ancient past. Students were with him all the way. Such sessions are immensely enjoyed by the students and also create more awareness and national pride in them. He further opened the platform for a Q&A round where future aspirants got a chance to directly interact with him. 

Dr. Sandeep Bakshi, Hon’ble Chancellor of Jaipur National University, Jaipur, congratulated the law department for conducting the session. Dr. Bakshi emphasized that the session will help the students chose a path to walk on where we can think positive and make an impossible task. He emphasized the importance of phases of leadership: have dreams, work hard to make your organizations better, take care of your people, and never give up.”

Guest lecture
Guest lecture

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