School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Faculty Development Program on Teaching Pedagogy and Research Methodology

Feb 14, 2022

Date:- 14th February to 19th February 2022

Time:- 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Venu:- Lecture hall SC-1, SOPS, SADTM Campus

Beneficiaries:- Faculty of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Program aims at enhancing the academic and intellectual environment in the Institutions by providing faculty members with enough opportunities to pursue research and also to participate in seminars / conferences / workshops. Participation in such program would enable faculty members to update their research and pedagogical skills.

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences organized a Faculty development Program “Teaching Pedagogy and Research Methodology” from 14th Nov to 19th Nov 2022.The Program started with welcome of Resource person and all the participants by Ms. Pallavi, Coordinator of the event. Prof (Dr.).B.Shrivastava address a welcome to the resource person and he also motivated the participants to attends such type of program in future.

Faculty Development program was organized on for the Faculty of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences which was Coordinated by Ms.Pallavi .Total 20 Faculty participated in this program . The Resource Person was Prof. (Dr). Sudhir Sharma ,Dr.Rishikesh Mishra ,Prof.(Dr).Dheera Sanadhya ,Prof.(Dr).Purnima Nag,Prof.(Dr).R.S Lokande,Prof.(Dr).Ajeet Singh.

The program ended with the vote of thanks by Prof.(Dr.) G.N.Sharma to the resource person and all the participants who has contributed in this program.

The Feedback at the end of activity showed that maximum Faculty appreciated the program and some of them advice to add more lecture in the program.



Coordinator, Faculty Development program

Prof. (Dr.) B.Shrivastava


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