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School of Education

Extension lecture On ‘From Complainer to Problem Solver’

Feb 01, 2024
National Science Day

An Extension lecture was held on 1/02/24 in School of Education, Jaipur National University. The guest Mrs. Smita Gupta Agrawal, an I.I.T executive in Corporate America is also former Mrs. India Globe and Mrs. Asia Pacific 2004. The students were enlightened that rather being a complainer, they should be a solution focused person. We should accept the problem and issues instead of being in denial.

Another question was asked to the audience that “How can we spend time with our families instead of using mobile phones?” Various suggestions were given by the students about the problem. Through the activity she explained that every problem has a solution and if we become a solution creator then we are able to guide our way in life. The students were also guided in emotional intelligence that we should always show humanity and not be self-centred. A successful person is the one who thinks for the larger group of people instead of only oneself. The lecture concluded with an engaging Q&A session, allowing the audience to pose questions directly to the author.

The Lecture was an interactive session in which the students were guided on various life hurdles and how they can be solved by knowing oneself and being a problem solver.

Prof. Rita Arora extended a vote of thanks on the behalf of School of Education, Jaipur National University. She emphasized that we need to uncover our personalized experiences that are a part of our life journey. We learn to key in and retain the memories that empower us and the world around.

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